AMNH’s EarthFest 2020 From Home

The Museum’s buildings are closed, but you can still celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day at their family-friendly, all-day online festival honoring our planet.

*Note: All times are EDT. The links to these virtual events are at the beginning of each description.

10 AM: Green Thumb for Families

Use this link to join the watch party.

Explore botanical biodiversity from home! Submit photos and questions to expert botanist Donald McClelland and learn from him about the plants that live with you and those visible from your window. Then, participate in a special workshop where you’ll learn how to plant your own garden and create life right in your own kitchen! Whether it is herbs and vegetables for eating or flowers to admire and decorate your space, everyone will be able to participate in this special green activity with whatever they have available at home.

Send a photo of your plant, your name, and location to to participate.

11 AM: Iceberg Bits: Understanding Rivers of Ice

Use this link to join the watch party.

Tune in to watch facilitator Laurel Zaima from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory present activities demonstrating glacier physics through experimentation with Glacier Goo, a substance you can create at home. Named for small pieces of ice found in both Arctic and Antarctic, “Bergy Bits” in nature are small pieces of floating ice that break from an iceberg, ice shelf, or glacier. Join in by doing these experiments at home to better understand these rivers of ice.

Noon: Field Trip Earth—LIVE Watch Party

Use this link to join the watch party.

Gather the whole family for a live flight around the world to marvel at our planet’s natural wonders—from the Amazon Rainforest to the Sahara Desert, the Great Barrier Reef, and the Himalayas! Join Director of Astrovisualization Carter Emmart and Museum astrophysicist Jackie Faherty as we blast off into the outer reaches of our atmosphere and see our planet from space. Make sure to come with questions for our presenters to answer live!

1 PM: 50 Years of Earth Day—YouTube Watch Party

Use this link to join the watch party.

What has happened to our planet in the 50 years since the creation of Earth Day? Learn about the most significant developments to our environment in the last half-century through the thoughtful infographic videos created by the Museum’s Science Visualization team since 2017. The watch party will include a live chat with Museum Curator Nathalie Goodkin, and Ana Luz Porzecanski, director of the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, and Laura Moustakerski, writer and producer of the Earth Day 2020 video.

3 PM: Bash the Trash Live!

Celebrate the Earth! Follow this live workshop where you can learn how to make your own musical instruments out of recyclable and other discarded materials around your house. Then, join in a multi-media, multi-player performance where you can be part of the orchestra playing for this celebration of Earth.

Note: You don’t need to have materials in order to participate–there’ll be plenty to do. Be sure that everything that you collect is clean, safe, and disinfected. And always check with an adult first!

Materials List:small cardboard box

rubber bands

tin cans (watch out for sharp edges!)

plastic take-out containers

any other plastic/metal drum kind of thing

chopsticks or pencils for drumsticks

6 PM: Venus, Earth, and Mars–LIVE Watch Party

Use this link to join the watch party.

Join us for a night out in the Goldilocks Zone with planetary geologist Martha Gilmore and the Museum’s Director of Astrovisualization Carter Emmart. Hop aboard a live flight to unveil the mysteries of Earth’s toxic twin, Venus, and the dynamic nature of our planetary neighbors. What can Venus and Mars teach us about climate change and the unique conditions that support life on Earth?

Use the hashtag #EarthDayFromHome and tag @amnh on Twitter or Instagram for the chance to be featured!

Click here to learn about all of our digital programs on Earth Day:

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